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Spring Sports Season Starts Monday March 3, 2025

 Spring Sports Season

Spring Sports Season Starts Monday March 3, 2025

Dear Highlander Families, 
The Winter Sports season is right around the corner and is scheduled to start Monday March 3, 2025..  All Athletes playing a Spring sports must have the following in order to participate in Spring Athletics:
-DIAA physical DIAA Physical Form
-Academically Eligible:  All Incoming 9th, 10th and 11th grade students need to have 5 passing classes with 2 being majors (Math, Science, Social Studies, English or a Foreign Language) based on their first marking period report card.
-Register on Family ID Family ID Link
-Students must sign McKean Sportsmanship contract (Students will complete at the start of the regular school year)

This Spring McKean will be offering the following Sports:
Boys Lacrosse- Head Coach Nicholas Dorda   
Golf- Head Coach Michael Freccia
Boys/Girls Tennis-Head Coach Sylvester Smith
Girls Soccer- Head Coach Emily Carroll
Spring Track and Field- Girls Head Coach Shakur Ali and Boys Head Coach Lakayla Williams
Baseball- Head Coach Jaxon Brown
Unified Track-  Head Coach Grace Guillebeau
Softball- Head Coach Jourdan Zickgraff
Boys Volleyball- Head Coach Brian Starrett

McKean Student Athlete Expectations and Conduct:

 Work Ethic: A strong work ethic shows perseverance, self-motivation, and the determination to work hard and continually improve. The last thing a coach wants is an athlete who gives up or breaks down when things get tough. Having a strong work ethic shows a coach you are capable of playing to your strengths AND through your weaknesses. 
Be Coachable: How do you react to criticism? Your “coach-ability” tells a coach everything they need to know about you as a player. It’s simple; either you ARE or ARE NOT coachable. This has nothing to do with knowledge and everything to do your willingness to learn. You can either take constructive feedback and reach your potential or you can argue, get defensive, and take yourself out of the recruiting game. This is a LIFE lesson that will benefit you personally, and professionally, for years to come.
Character and Integrity: Character is determined by moral and ethical traits that uniquely define who you are as a person. Examples of good character traits are attitude, truthfulness, reliability, consistency, respectfulness, and self-awareness. Coaches can easily find out what kind a person you are and what you value by searching your social media. Keep them clean! This is the fastest way to lose your scholarship.
Sense of Responsibility: This is easy to explain – take responsibility for your actions. It’s that simple. Stop making excuses as to why, when or how things happened, or justifying why you felt it was okay. You are the only one responsible for the way you respond and react in situations. Own it.
Leadership and Teamwork: Be a team player on-and-off the field. Strong leaders motivate by example and encourage others to be great. Success is making everyone around you better, not just yourself.


McKean Wrestling Team Wins Flight B Conference!

The McKean Wrestling Team defeated AI du Pont to claim the 2025 Flight B Conference Title! The Highlanders went 14-1 during the regular season and are arguably the most successful wrestling squad in school history!



Boys Home Basketball Games

All Tickets for McKean Boys Basketball games must be purchased online using the following link: https://my.hometownticketing.com/agency/5684e998-8e88-4992-b000-fac2db31e54d.  No tickets will be sold at the gate and all tickets will be $5 for General Admission (This includes JV/Varsity).  There will be no entry after halftime.  No hats, hoods, or facial coverings - No re-entry - Ticket sales close at 2:45 on gameday.  Failure to comply with the DIAA spectator code of conduct will result in removal from the game and campus.


Nicholas Dorda
Athletic Director 
McKean High School



Home Winter Sports Games Spectator Code of Conduct

 DIAA Spectator Code of Conduct

  1. Be informed of the playing rules of the sport.
  2. Appreciate a good play regardless of who makes it.
  3. Cooperate with the cheerleaders and do not interfere with their cheers.
  4. Show concern for an injured athlete regardless of team affiliation.
  5. Do not taunt, jeer or attempt to distract the members of the opposing team.
  6. Avoid the use of profanity and derogatory or disrespectful yells, chants, songs or gestures.
  7. Refrain from offensive or unruly behavior which reflects poorly on the school you are supporting.
  8. Respect school property and the authority of school officials. Remember you are a guest of the host school.
  9. Do not publicly criticize the coaches or athletes for the loss of a contest.
  10. Respect the contest official and accept their decisions with out public protest. Recognize that without them we do not have a game.
Failure to comply with McKean's Procedures and Policies along witht the DIAA Code of Conduct may result in your removal from the athletic contest. 


Winter Sports Season

Winter Sports Season Starts Tuesday November 12, 2024

Dear Highlander Families, 
The Winter Sports season is right around the corner and is scheduled to start Tuesday November 12, 2024.  All Athletes playing a winter sports must have the following in order to participate in Winter Athletics:
-DIAA physical DIAA Physical Form
-Academically Eligible:  All Incoming 9th, 10th and 11th grade students need to have 5 passing classes with 2 being majors (Math, Science, Social Studies, English or a Foreign Language) based on their first marking period report card.
-Register on Family ID Family ID Link
-Students must sign McKean Sportsmanship contract (Students will complete at the start of the regular school year)

This Winter McKean will be offering the following Sports:
Boys Basketball- Head Coach Stephon Johnson   
Girls Basketball- Head Coach Ricky Brown
Wrestling-Head Coach Nicholas Dorda
Winter Cheerleading- Head Coach Sienna Nelson
Winter Track- Girls Head Coach Shakur Ali and Boys Head Coach Lakayla Williams
Swimming- Girls Head Coach Aleecia King and Boys Head Coach Jaxon Brown
Unified Basketball- TBD

McKean Student Athlete Expectations and Conduct:

 Work Ethic: A strong work ethic shows perseverance, self-motivation, and the determination to work hard and continually improve. The last thing a coach wants is an athlete who gives up or breaks down when things get tough. Having a strong work ethic shows a coach you are capable of playing to your strengths AND through your weaknesses. 
Be Coachable: How do you react to criticism? Your “coach-ability” tells a coach everything they need to know about you as a player. It’s simple; either you ARE or ARE NOT coachable. This has nothing to do with knowledge and everything to do your willingness to learn. You can either take constructive feedback and reach your potential or you can argue, get defensive, and take yourself out of the recruiting game. This is a LIFE lesson that will benefit you personally, and professionally, for years to come.
Character and Integrity: Character is determined by moral and ethical traits that uniquely define who you are as a person. Examples of good character traits are attitude, truthfulness, reliability, consistency, respectfulness, and self-awareness. Coaches can easily find out what kind a person you are and what you value by searching your social media. Keep them clean! This is the fastest way to lose your scholarship.
Sense of Responsibility: This is easy to explain – take responsibility for your actions. It’s that simple. Stop making excuses as to why, when or how things happened, or justifying why you felt it was okay. You are the only one responsible for the way you respond and react in situations. Own it.
Leadership and Teamwork: Be a team player on-and-off the field. Strong leaders motivate by example and encourage others to be great. Success is making everyone around you better, not just yourself.


McKean Sports Highlights for Last Week!!

The McKean Football team lost a close game to District rival Charter School of Wilmington 7-6.  

The Girls Volleyball team defeated A.I. du Pont to win their 6th game of the season! Way to go Lady Highlanders!

The McKean Field Hockey team won their first and last game of the season against the Delcastle Cougars 1-0!!!!

Good job Highlanders!


Senior Night Games

Attention Highlander Families/Alumni,

The McKean Football team will celebrate its Senior this Thursday Night (October 245h) against The Charter School of Wilmington!. Game time is 6 pm.

The McKean Girls Volleyball team will celebrate their seniors this Wednesday 10/23/24 at 4:45 pm against the A.I. du Pont Tigers.

The McKean Field Hockey team will have their senior night this Friday 10/25 at 3:30 pm vs. the Delcastle Cougars.

Come out and support our teams!!!


Sporting Events Update!

Attention all Students and Families:
Please be advised that for all sports events, tickets must be purchased 2 hours in advance of contests using hometownticketing.com.  Cash is not to be accepted and no there are sales “at the door.”  There is no entry after the conclusion of halftime.  We encourage you to purchase your tickets early to ensure entry and to avoid any inconvenience.

Thank you for your cooperation and continued support of our teams!


Mr. Dorda , Athletic Director McKean High School


2024 Fall Sports Season!!!!

Fall Sports
Dear Highlander Families!  I hope everyone is having a great summer.  With that being said Fall Sports is scheduled to start with pre-season on Monday August 12, 2024.  All athletes must have the following in order to participate in Fall Athletics:
-DIAA physical DIAA Physical Form
-Academically Eligible:  All Incoming Freshmen are immediately Eligible/Upperclassmen need to have 5 passing classes with 2 being majors (Math, Science, Social Studies, English) based on their last report cards final grades.

-Register on Family ID Family ID Link
-Students must sign McKean Sportsmanship contract (Students will complete at the start of the regular school year)

This Fall McKean will be offering the following Sports:
Football- Head Coach Avery McMullin
Cheer- Head Coach Anya McKenzie
Boys Soccer-Head Coach Michael Freccia
Girls Volleyball- Head Coach Nettie Choice
Cross Country Boys and Girls- Head Coach Gavin Coates
Field Hockey- Head Coach Layla Marchak
Unified Flag Football- Head Coach Jaxon Brown

McKean Student Athlete Expectations and Conduct:
  1. Work Ethic: A strong work ethic shows perseverance, self-motivation, and the determination to work hard and continually improve. The last thing a coach wants is an athlete who gives up or breaks down when things get tough. Having a strong work ethic shows a coach you are capable of playing to your strengths AND through your weaknesses.
  1. Be Coachable: How do you react to criticism? Your “coach-ability” tells a coach everything they need to know about you as a player. It’s simple; either you ARE or ARE NOT coachable. This has nothing to do with knowledge and everything to do your willingness to learn. You can either take constructive feedback and reach your potential or you can argue, get defensive, and take yourself out of the recruiting game. This is a LIFE lesson that will benefit you personally, and professionally, for years to come.
  1. Character and Integrity: Character is determined by moral and ethical traits that uniquely define who you are as a person. Examples of good character traits are attitude, truthfulness, reliability, consistency, respectfulness, and self-awareness. Coaches can easily find out what kind a person you are and what you value by searching your social media. Keep them clean! This is the fastest way to lose your scholarship.
  1. Sense of Responsibility: This is easy to explain – take responsibility for your actions. It’s that simple. Stop making excuses as to why, when or how things happened, or justifying why you felt it was okay. You are the only one responsible for the way you respond and react in situations. Own it.
  1. Leadership and Teamwork: Be a team player on-and-off the field. Strong leaders motivate by example and encourage others to be great. Success is making everyone around you better, not just yourself.

McKean Pre-Season Schedule
Monday August 12, 2024-Friday August 16, 2024
8 Activity City Bus Run (Activity Bus Schedule is in Highlanderssports.com under Activity Bus Tab) 8:45 am Drop off
First Session 9 am – 12 pm
Second Session 1 pm – 3 pm
3:15 pm Activity Bus for Take home
Monday August 19- Friday August 23, 2024:
2 pm Activity City Bus Run; 2:45 pm Drop off
Practice Session: 3 pm – 5 pm
5:15 pm Activity Bus for Take Home
Monday August 26 – August 29, 2024
Normal Practice Time 2:45 pm – 5 pm



McKean All Conference and All District

Congratulations to all of the McKean Highlanders who were selected for All Conference and All District!

Here are our All-District Football Players

1st Team

Gavin Erbayri – DT

Vaughn Brooks – FB

Vaughn Brooks – LB

2nd Team

Jy’Aire Wilson – WR

Gavin Erbayri  - OG

Jae’Mere Anderson – OG & DT

Anthony Williams – OT

Sameer Bolden – DE

Sheldon Daniels – LB

Donald Payne – DB

3rd Team

Jonah Hudson – WR

Chase Pullin - DE

Here are the All Conference Field Hockey Players
1st Team:  Alexis Barlow
2nd Team: Anesha Brown
Honorable Mention: Sheily Erazo-Escoto

Here are the All Conference Girls Volleyball Players
1st Team:  Alex Duncan
Honorable Mention: Grace Starrett

Here are the All Conference Boys Soccer Players
1st Team: Joel Becerra
2nd Team:  Jordy Lopez
2nd Team:  Dominic Burgos
Honorable Mention: Marco Garcia Torres


Athletic Eligibility for Spring Sports

Athletic eligibility at McKean High School is broken down into the following categories:

1) McKean Sportsmanship Policy

  • Students must attend a presentation on Sportsmanship with Ms. Dukuray
  • All students must sign McKean Sportsmanship Contract prior to competing in games/practices. Form can be found on the bottom left of the Highlanderssports.com page under Forms.
2) DIAA Physical
  • Students must have a DIAA physical on file with the school to be eligible for practices, scrimmages, and games.
  • Physicals must be completed on the approved DIAA Physical Forms.
  • Physicals must be completed after April 1st of the year that the school year begins.
  • Physicals may be uploaded to Family ID or submitted to the school nurse.
3) Academic Eligibility
  • Academic eligibility is determined each marking period.
  • Students must be passing 5 classes to be eligible to participate in athletic activities. 
  • 2 of the 5 classes must be in the core subject areas: Math, Science, English, or Social Studies.
  • Seniors must also be passing all classes needed for graduation.

This Past Week in McKean Athletics!!

McKean Swim Team Banquet

DIAA Spectator Code of Conduct

  1. Be informed of the playing rules of the sport.
  2. Appreciate a good play regardless of who makes it.
  3. Cooperate with the cheerleaders and do not interfere with their cheers.
  4. Show concern for an injured athlete regardless of team affiliation.
  5. Do not taunt, jeer or attempt to distract the members of the opposing team.
  6. Avoid the use of profanity and derogatory or disrespectful yells, chants, songs or gestures.
  7. Refrain from offensive or unruly behavior which reflects poorly on the school you are supporting.
  8. Respect school property and the authority of school officials. Remember you are a guest of the host school.
  9. Do not publicly criticize the coaches or athletes for the loss of a contest.
  10. Respect the contest official and accept their decisions with out public protest. Recognize that without them we do not have a game.
Failure to comply with McKean's Procedures and Policies along witht the DIAA Code of Conduct may result in your removal from the athletic contest. 


Winter Sports Season

Highlander Families,

 During this winter sports season, we will be using a new format for our ticket sales for all Boys Basketball games. All tickets will be available to purchase ONLINE ONLY through Ticket Spicket.  Tickets are $5 for Adults and $2 for students. Tickets will be available to purchase up until 3 pm on game days.  Tickets need to be purchased for both JV and Varsity Boys Basketball games.  Tickets are not required for spectators to attend Girls Basketball and Wrestling Home Games/Matches.  Spectators are expected to follow spectator Rules and Procedures below for all Athletic Events at McKean High School.  Please reference the resources about online ticketing that I have linked below:

Quick Start Guide

Video: Buying Tickets and Checking In


Spectator Procedures/Policies

The following procedures and protocols will be in place for all spectators at McKean Athletic Events:  

  1. Ticket is required for entry.

  2. Spectators must enter the game via the pool lobby.

  3. Only spectators with ties to the two teams or schools will be permitted to enter into the game.  This includes family members, students, faculty, and staff of the participating teams.

  4. No entrance to the game after the end of the second quarter.

  5. No re-entry to the game at any time.

  6. No outside food or drink.

  7. No bags are to be brought into the gym.

  8. No fan seating will be allowed behind the team benches..

  9. No ski masks or full face gators are permitted.

  10. Spectators are not permitted to enter the playing court at any time for any reason.

  11. At the conclusion of the game all spectators should exit through the gym lobby in a timely manner.  Visiting teams will not be re-entering the gym following the game.
  12. All Spectators must follow the DIAA Spectator Code of Conduct (Can be found on the Highlanderssports.com)
If you have any questions or concerns please contact nicholas.dorda@redclay.k12.de.us. 


Nicholas Dorda, Athletic Director McKean High School

McKean Athletics Online Store

Athlete of the Month

To Be Announced

Coach of the Month

To Be Announced
